Procrastination- the real reason entrepreneurs don’t reach their goals

You may have carved out time on your calendar to work on your goals, but the alarm goes off and the second you hit reach over and turn it off. There’s no doubt about it, procrastination is a big problem for entrepreneurs. I mean, if we didn’t procrastinate then think about how much more productivity we would get done daily. The entrepreneurs who succeed are the ones who are able to overcome their fears and take action. They don’t let procrastination stand in their way.

But what about those who don’t? Why do some people get stuck in the cycle of procrastination, while others manage to get things done?

Here are three reasons why you might be struggling with procrastination:

1. You’re not clear on what you want. If you don’t know what you want, how can you expect to achieve it? Why not start by asking yourself some questions: What are my goals? What am I trying to accomplish with my business? What do I want my life to look like in five years? Write down your answers and refer back to them often as a reminder of what matters most.

2.One of them is lack of inspiration. You might be procrastinating because you’re not feeling inspired to do it, or you might be in a rut. But if you resist the urge to wait until you feel inspired, you’ll be more disciplined.

3.Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of motivation and getting things done. The key to breaking bad habits is to make small, manageable goals that you can achieve in 30 minutes every day (or 1 hour every day if you want to really see results).

The biggest problem with procrastination isn’t that it makes us feel bad about ourselves or that it wastes time. The biggest problem with procrastination is that is the #1 thing keeping entrepreneurs stuck, not achieving their goals and ultimately the reason why they quit on their dreams.

The reason we procrastinate is because we’re afraid of failure, but the truth is that procrastination isn’t a failure — it’s just a delay in success. If we would just stop avoiding what needs to be done and start doing it, we’d achieve more than ever before!

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Hi, I’m Diane, a Master transformational coach & business strategist for entrepreneurs. I have a passion for all things business and marketing, but above all doing business with purpose and real-life fulfillment.

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